I can't believe Lyla is just over 4 months old now. Since her birth, I feel like I have grown so much as a person. I have learned so much about myself. Being a mom has been the greatest responsibility, honor and joy of my life. I feel so blessed that God entrusted Adam and I to be the parents of this little girl. I thank Him everyday for her and strive to raise her in the way He calls me to. Even though it is full of fun and laughter, it is not always easy. He never promised it would be, but it has only made me rely on Him that much more. I cannot say enough how much I am loving life right now.
We had Lyla's 4 month check up last week and everything went well. She is a smart girl and knew exactly what was coming as soon as she saw Dr. Knox's face :) He is so sweet, but she did not care for him or the shots that came afterwards. She was a trooper though and was fine by the time we were walking out of the office. Now for the important information....Lyla weighed in at 11 pounds 4 ounces. She is 24 inches tall. This makes her 5-10% in weight and 25-50% in height. Still our petite little one, and yet she still has no idea she is little.
This month has had a lot of firsts for our little Lyla. Right before she turned 4 months she finally started laughing. It is like music to my ears and melts my heart every time I hear it. It will never get old. She is full of personality and definitely has an attitude.
Lyla all ready to fly on the plane with her Sophie. |
Lyla went on her first airplane this last week. It was not for the most happy reason, but it was still exciting to experience her first plane ride with her. We flew to Texas with Aunt Allison and Mimi. My Granddaddy (my mom's dad) was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer and we knew it was bad. He had never met Lyla, he was going to meet her for the first time at Allison's wedding in June. But once we got the news, we knew he had to meet Lyla right away so we could get some pictures and he could love on her. And boy did he LOVE her. He did not care about anything else going on in his hospital room when she was there. He noticed everyday that she had a different bow in her hair and he always wanted to make sure she was taken care of before his own needs. (I know all my nursing friends are thinking, ewww gross you took your little baby into a germy hospital. You better believe there was lots of handwashing and disinfectant wipes. A week later we are all still healthy :) Knock on wood). I am so thankful we had the opportunity because 10 days after his diagnosis, he went to meet his Savior. He was surrounded by family, the people who loved him. He went to be with his Heavenly Father whom he loved through his final breath. I know he is with Him singing praises to our Lord and we will see him again. I am so thankful Lyla got to meet him, even though she won't remember, we will be able to tell her all about her sweet great-Granddaddy who loved her so much and how she got to meet him. Lyla was his first great-grandchild and he was so excited about her from the moment we called to tell him we were pregnant. Even in his last moments here on earth, he spoke of her. I have pictures with my great-Papa and I cherish those pictures. She also got to meet her great Aunt Pauline, Uncle Kent, my cousins William and Emily and great Aunt Joanna and Uncle Fred. My mom's brother and sisters.
Aunt Allison and Lyla waiting to board the plane.
Mommy and Lyla waiting to board the plane.
Meeting great-Granddaddy for the first time |
Lyla and great-Grandaddy |
Next day. |
Once we got home, she was more than ready to start solid foods. She took to it right away and now will not miss a meal. She wants to eat solids three times a day. To date, she has tried rice cereal, oatmeal and yellow squash. She is loving eating big girl food. She is always ready for her next meal. So now we are trying to figure out her new schedule. So fun trying new things!
First night eating rice cereal and loving it! |
This past week she also found her toes. She loves playing with them, especially during diaper changes. Anytime she can get a hold of them she is excited.
While we were in Texas, we had the opportunity to go see where Aunt Sarah lives at TCU. Lyla wore her purple bow and bib in support of the Rose Bowl Champs!
Outside of Sherley where Aunt Sarah lives. Lyla loves her Aunt Sarah. |
In Aunt Sarah's dorm room. Lyla loving the lifestyle of the cool college girls. |
And lastly, and maybe most importantly (for me) while in Texas, Lyla started sleeping through the night. We were almost there before we left, but now she consistently sleeps from 8:30pm-6am. It is wonderful!
We are heading back to Texas tomorrow for Granddaddy's funeral, this time with Adam. While it is sad for us left here on Earth, we want to celebrate his life, not only the one he lived here, but his eternal one with his loving Savior. We will miss him and think of him often and look forward to seeing him again. We love you Granddaddy!!