I CANNOT believe Lyla is 6 months old! Time is flying by and we are enjoying every minute of it. I am constantly reminding myself to soak in each second and not to sweat the small things because I know I am going to turn around and she will be all grown up.
She checked out great at the ped yesterday. She weighs 13 pounds 14 ounces and is 25 inches long. That puts her in the 10-25% for weight!! and 25th % for height. She once again got three shots and had an eye test. She did wonderful. I cannot believe how much she has grown and how she is changing into her own little person. She has such a personality. She is so sweet and talkative and smiley. She definitely has an attitude and lets Adam and I know when she does or doesn't like something. She is a very determined little girl. She has sat up by herself a few times now, but prefers to scoot around on her tummy. She gets frustrated though that she still cannot get her legs to do what she wants them to do. She is close to taking off though....which will bring us to a new chapter in our lives :) I am feeling like she is really not a little baby anymore, but I am finding that I am enjoying each stage. It is so neat to see everything through her eyes.
This weekend we had family time with just the 3 of us which was so nice. We also went to a fundraiser for a good friend of ours. John is leading a team to Kenya and we went out to support his auction. It was fun to see him and catch up on what he is doing. We took Melanie along with us which was great to spend some time with her!
We are fighting the germs at our house. Poor Lyla. Her allergies are making her miserable and Adam came home with something yesterday. He of course went to work today, still feeling bad. I guess that is how germs continue to spread :) I hope everyone feels better quickly!
LOVES her monkey blanket |
Soccer player? |
Meeting Uncle John for the first time |
So tired after enjoying the beautiful day outside |
Mommy and Lyla |
Love my family |