In March Lyla started her second big kid "activity".....swimming! First of all, there is nothing cuter than a toddler two year old in a bathing suit. That belly, those chunky legs. YUM!
So, I was torn on what to do as far as swim lessons were concerned. Our new house has a pool in the backyard, and I have a heightened anxiety over Lyla being around the pool. The pool that is in our backyard. Separated from her by only a door. Just steps out the door. Our backyard is not that big, so even if we are not playing in the pool, playing in the yard can lead to an accident.
Anyway, cannot think that way. The Lord is in control over the number of her days and I will of course do everything to make sure nothing happens. We are going to ENJOY that pool this summer. Now, if only it will warm up so we can use it!!
I asked around with the moms in my neighborhood and found there were several places right around us that offered off season swim lessons. I debated between swim lessons and the Infant Swim Resource Program. Eventually, money made the decision and I signed her up for swim lessons at Sea Ventures right around the corner from our house. I decided that I wanted her to start learning the basic skills of swimming. This first session was four weeks, one day a week for 30 minutes. There was one other little boy in the class and he in NO WAY wanted anything to do with the teacher or the water. He cried EVERY.SINGLE.CLASS. Made it really hard for Lyla to get anything out of it. She, of course, had no fear, but could not really understand the concept of swimming since she was not able to observe any other kids swim and the teacher was constantly focused on this other kid.
The class level she was put in was also not appropriate for her. It was a class more to get kids used to water. Lyla LOVES the water. She needed to know what to do in the water and how to be safe. She did not need water poured on her head or coaxing to get in. She knew how to kick already while being held. She needed to learn how to use her arms and legs together, how to come up to the surface once she jumped in, how to float on her back, and how to get out of the pool.
To top it off, I was not impressed with the instructor. I could tell she had a lot of experience and the "routine" of the class was good, but she was not sweet to the kids, not sensitive to the fact that, yes they are learning to be comfortable in the water and swim, but that it can also be fun.
So at the end of the four weeks I had decided that we would not come back there and I would see about private lessons somewhere else. Because Lyla had really not learned anything. At the end of the last class, I was talking to the instructor and she mentioned that Lyla might do better in the next level up, where she could watch the older kids actually swim and do the things I wanted Lyla to actually do. In this level, the kids are supposed to be three, but she thought they would make an exception since she was recommending it. I had seen the kids and moms that were a part of this class as it was right after Lyla's class. They were all doing really well and no one cried :)
I made a split second decision that day to sign her up for the next session, which was five weeks long this time and to have her move up a level to see if she did better.
Last day of the first session. |
Putting her goggles on. |
Ready to jump in! |
Blowing bubbles. |
Time to kick with a noodle. |
I mean, I can understand the comfort level of kicking with a noodle, but I want her kicking by herself in the water... |
Floating on her back. |
Kicking on the magic carpet. |
Happy girl. She is seriously so happy in the water. |
Cute booty! |
Get ready, |
Get Set... |
So we did do the second session, five weeks. Separate post to come on that. Whether we liked it better, if Lyla learned anything and whether I would make the same decisions again.
I have to admit though, it is so fun that Lyla is in a stage now that we can get out and do fun activities that she enjoys, see what she likes and does not like and how much joy it brings to my heart seeing her enjoy whatever it is that she is doing. Her current requests for activities are going back to gymnastics and trying soccer.
I love reading these posts and remembering how easy life was with ONE kid! Brice was always so good and listened just like Lyla does. I can't wait for you to have another...ha! Also, I will wait for the next swimming post but think she would do awesome in the "ISR" lessons with the instructor we use. She isn't as strict with the rules and has a lower rate. :)