These last two months have just flown by, and from what I hear it gets faster! Lyla was 10 weeks yesterday. I cannot believe it. I have enjoyed every minute and am really not ready to go back to work. This week we have been snowed/iced in and I still can't get enough of her. But we are ready to get out of the house!
Last week we went for her 2 month pediatrician appointment. She was so happy the whole time, until the nurse started giving her her oral medicine for her immunizations. She really wasn't happy when she got the 3 shots in her little legs. She was just looking at the nurse like "I was so happy, what did I do to you!?" I sat back and did not watch! I felt so bad for her. When it came to Lyla getting her shots, I was not the brave NICU nurse. I wanted to cry with her! But she was so brave and as soon as they were done, she stopped crying. She did not even act like anything had happened to her the rest of the day...besides sleeping 12 hours straight through that night! It was so great! She was even feeling up to eating lunch with Nicole and Tripp that afternoon.
She weighed 9 pounds exactly, which is still 10th percentile. Our petite little baby. She was 22 inches long which is 25-50th percentile.
We had such a wonderful Christmas with our families. We went to Kentucky to be with Adam's family and then we went to Hilton Head with my family. It was so nice to relax and be around family. It was so wonderful to have our first Christmas as a family with Lyla!
Lyla tired from opening all her Christmas gifts |
Snow for Lyla's first Christmas, what a special memory |
Almost caught the smile |
Loves to be stylish and go out. |
She is such a smiley girl. She smiles all the time and, I think, very close to letting out one of those big belly laughs. She loves laying on her back and being entertained by light-up toys or just our faces. I can stick out my tongue at her and she will do the same back to me. She loves to sit up like a big girl, with our help of course, and she LOVES to stand up. This girl might be walking before she crawls. We are going to have to get one of those jumpy things that hang from the door. She loves for us to help her jump up and down. She is getting better with her head control. Even though she sleeps on her tummy, she does not seem to enjoy tummy time. She is a busy girl, always ready for the next thing!
LOL...she is soo cute and so tiny! Dylan was at the doc yesterday to get meds for reflux and get checked for a cold...he weighed 11 lbs 9 oz! Lucky you getting to sleep...hopefully we'll get there by the time I head back to work :)