Well, this is my last "month update" before my baby girl turns ONE!! I cannot believe it. Everyone tells you how fast it goes, but it's hard to believe it until it happens to you. This year has flown by and each day Lyla get more fun. Hard to believe, I know!! She really is at my favorite stage. I know I say that every time, but this stage really is. She is SO FUN!! We go back to the doctor at one year, so I don't have any weight updates, but here is what she is up to -
~ She has three teeth, two on the bottom and one on the top
~ She is a super crawler, but is actually just content to be carried around. She loves to "help out" and watch everything we are doing, and the best view is from our arms. I do not mind this at all because I know there will come a day where she does not want me to hold her, so I love carrying her around.
~ She can stand up by herself but won't walk. She has twice taken one step, but nothing more than that. She will just sit down whenever we encourage her, so I guess she is not ready.
~ If she is on the floor, she does not like it when we leave the room without her.
~ She is in to EVERYTHING. I am not sure my house will ever be put together ever again. Adam keeps wondering why we have toys at all, because she is interested in everything else. She pulls out everything from the kitchen cabinets, the bookcases, the bathroom cabinets and draws, our dresser, moves the kitchen table chairs around....etc.
~ She loves her blanket. We call it her monkey blankie because it has monkeys on it. Our friend Lindsey gave it to her at her baby shower and she has slept with it every night since she was born. She loves to carry it around with her.
~ Likes to turn the light switch on and off.
~ Still just says "mama" (which still melts my heart each time) and "dada", but is really trying to say more. She says "juss" for juice, "mor" for more when eating if we say it, "doog" for dog, "no" and she will shake her head no, but not appropriately. She tries to copy us when we say one word sentences for her.
~ She gets louder by the day. She squeals with delight, screams (both when happy and upset), laughs all the time, but believe it or not this girl has an attitude too. She knows what she wants and mkaes sure to let Adam and I know.
~ She can click her tongue...this is most resent.
~ She can roar like a lion and woof like a dog.
~ She loves to play peek-a-boo.
~ She still loves the cell phone and will put it up to her ear and pretend to talk on it, but when someone really is on the other end, she will not talk.
~ She loves to hold and carry around the silliest things: her brush, her tylenol bottle, fingernail polish, a small tube of sunscreen or vaseline, her sock.
~ She loves kids and her Sunday school class. The volunteers say that she runs the room every Sunday.
~ She loves to be outside.
~ When we are around other people, even if its people we know really well, she is shy at first but warms up quickly.
~ She is getting more snuggly, but on her time and when she wants to be.
~ She points at everything and wants to know what it is.
~ She is so busy all the time. Not wild, just busy and always on the move. She can self entertain, but likes us to be close by.
~ She is only nursing twice a day now. Morning and at night before bed.
~ She will for the most part eat anything and a LOT of it. This girl can eat!! She has just recently started spitting food out if she decides she does not want it, but that is normally when she is full. She still loves cheese. That is probably still her favorite. She loves fruit. We are trying to be good about giving her pretty much whatever we eat.
~ She sleeps 12-13hrs at night and still takes two naps during the day, usually equalling 3 hrs.
I love this girl and am enjoying watching her grow up. While I wish it would go by slower, the joy that she brings me overshadows how fast it is and it is so worth it!!
We have been sick these last two weeks and we are ready for these germs to be out of our house! Aunt Sarah comes in this weekend and we are so excited to see her.
Supporting the Jackets. Yes she does have a black eye. We were skyping with Aunt Sarah and she fell on her snack container. |
Pointing and carrying around her brush. |
Playing on the back porch. Now I can just leave the door open and she will go in and out by herself. That is a level in her hand that her dad uses to build. I guess she is busy building something herself or making sure the chair is level. |
Swinging at the park by our house. We have been LOVING the weather lately. She was too busy watching the little girl who was swinging next to her to pay attention to me or the camera. |