My sweet Lyla girl, I cannot believe you have been in our lives for a WHOLE year and a HALF!! Crazy how the time has flown by, yet it seems like you have always been in our lives. I cannot remember life without you. My heart swells up with love every time I look at you and I cannot believe I was picked to be your mommy. You are the best little girl and you grow more fun every day, as if that is possible! Your personality is in full bloom and it is so fun to see who you are becoming. You make us laugh until our sides hurt and we often look at you in amazement, wondering where you learn the things you know. You are so smart. You are my thinker. You are still a girl of few words (I mean English words, you definitely babble and talk like you know exactly what you are saying and we should understand as well) , but know exactly how to get your point across.

I look at you and know that you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I know all parents think this about their babies, and I am no exception. You are beautiful inside and out. You are wonderful at sharing your things and love to give me your sweet kisses. Your new thing is eskimo kisses. You think these are so silly and die laughing when we do it.
You are sassy and you know it. You are so full of personality. I am loving this stage of life you are in!

You are so curious....about everything!! You are in to everything. EVERYTHING! You want to do everything that I do and you love to copy me. A lot of the time I do not even realize that you notice some of the things I do, but then you surprise me and show me that you notice EVERYTHING! When I brush my teeth, you want to brush your teeth. When I get the keys to the car, you want a set of keys to carry as well. When I put on my shoes, you want to put shoes as well (not your shoes necessarily, normally its mine or daddy's you put on). You love picking out your own shoes. If I am putting food in the oven or taking it out, you go to the drawer and get the ovenmit out and put it on so you can help. If I am blowing on your hot food, you blow too to help it cool down. You just have to try a bite of everything I am eating...or anyone for that matter. You know when there is food, you can sense it and HAVE to have some. You are trying to use a spoon and fork now when you eat. You use both hands, but more so than not, you use your left hand. So maybe you will be a lefty?!

One day, I was getting ready in the bathroom and I looked down and you had pulled out two q-tips, put them in your ears and you were cleaning out your ears, just like mommy does when I get out of the shower. Then, instead of throwing them away, you left them in your ears and walked away. It is TOO funny when you do this. It does not get old!
You love the swing and walking through the park, up and down the stairs. You are so daring and so bold. You do not mind walking away from me and do not look back. You love watching the big kids and are always looking to make friends. You have your independent moments as well as your cuddly moments. Definitely the best of both worlds. I see both your daddy and I so clearly at different moments. You are such the perfect mix.
You love doing chores with me. Of course each chore takes a lot longer to do, but I do not mind at all. I love all my moments with you. I love that you love to take the time to want to do these things with me, since I know in a few years you will not want to. Your favorites are vacuuming, emptying the dishwasher, and sweeping. You will also help sort the laundry and dust. You will normally do most anything I ask and are so great at following directions.
You are always on a mission and are so determined in everything you do. Everything has a purpose for you.
You love to do "big girl" things. You are growing up too fast. Your baby traits are quickly slipping away and every day I notice more and more of your little girl traits. Bitter sweet.
Outside is your favorite place in the whole world. You would live outside if we let you. You are always asking to "go", it does not matter where as long as you can be outside.
You are not a t.v. watcher really, but you do love to snuggle on the couch first thing in the morning while drinking your milk and watching mommy's Good Morning America, and then again in the afternoon after your nap while you eat your snack. It takes you awhile to wake up just like your mommy! You do however LOVE Blue's Clues. You are obsessed!! You ask to watch it all the time and you light up when it starts. It is the one show you LOVE to watch. You can even say Blue's Clues.

We got a zoo membership at the end of last month and boy have we gotten our money's worth already! You love the zoo and it is the perfect place for us to spend the morning together. We have gone with several different friends as well as dates with just the two of us. You love the animals, learning the animals sounds, eating lunch there, and the freedom you have in running around. You love hearing the train whistle. You love pointing to everything and you love to say "whoah!!". You are so amazed by so many things. You will now say "cheese" when we are taking a picture.
We went to Lemonade Days at Brook Run at the end of April and you had so much fun. You rode several rides and had your first funnel cake. You loved it! I love doing these big girl activities with you and finding new fun things to do, that you will be able to remember as part of your childhood.
Funnel Cake! |
You no longer sit in a highchair when eating. You sit in a booster seat at the table. You have a new placemat from our friends the Ballard's that has your name on it and a little girl that looks like you. You love talking to her and trying to feed her. You even wipe her mouth when you are done eating! Precious! Because we do not make you sit in a highchair at home, you expect that when we go to a restaurant you should not have to sit in one either....this has been an interesting adjustment to say the least.
You LOVE shopping when you can walk around by yourself. If you are left too long in the cart or stroller it is bad news. But freedom is your best friend!
Picking out the accessories you felt you needed. You did this all on your own! |
We attempted potty training this month and you were not quite ready. You love the potty and you love sitting in it, but you could not quite grasp the concept. I know you will get it when you are ready, so I am not worried.
You love wearing mommy and daddy's well as not wearing clothes. You especially love running around naked. I love this! |
I painted your toenails for the first time this month and you absolutely loved it! You helped me blow on them when I was done and you have showed everyone your toes. You even don't want to wear shoes because you don't want them covered up.
You LOVE to sing and dance. Anytime you hear music, you start to dance. You especially love it when I sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, The Wheels on the Bus, The Itsy Bitsy Spider, and the song from Blue's Clues. You ask you these by showing the hand motions.
Your favorite foods really haven't changed, but you did try pizza this month and seemed to like it. You are getting 4 new teeth in this month and they have been the worst!! They messed up your sleep and made you not feel good at all. They made it a rough month. They are the 4 teeth (two on the top and two on the bottom) between your front teeth and your molars. After these teeth, I think you are done for awhile. You still sleep 12-13 hours at night and take one nap a day that usually is around an hour and a half.
We love you more than words can say and are praying for you each and everyday. We are praying for your heart and for the woman that you will become. We are also praying that we will be good parents for you are continually lead you to The Cross. We pray that you will always feel our unconditional love and know what you mean to us. We love you and are so blessed by you being our daughter!