So I know I have a lot of catching up to do on the past month and a half of our lives. This seems to be such a busy time of year for everyone and we are no exception. I feel like time is flying by and I so badly want it to slow down so I can soak it all in. We are totally enjoying every moment, it is just going too fast and I can't seem to catch my breath. I feel like we have been going one place to the next, very little standing still. Birthdays, weddings, beach, playing outside, the zoo and much more. I last left off with Easter and visiting Sarah in Texas. Man, that seems like ages ago!
Currently, Sarah is actually sitting right next to me and we have been enjoying a lazy weekend in Hilton Head. My goal is to get caught up on most of my blogging while we are here and start going through Lyla's first year of pictures to get them organized for a scrap book.
Since we never did an Easter egg hunt in Texas because of the crazy downpour, we were finally able to do Lyla's egg hunt at my parent's house the following weekend. She quickly got the hang of it and loved looking for the next egg. Towards the end of actually finding the eggs, she realized there was actually something in them and my crazy-candy girl almost did not even finish hunting her eggs because she was so excited about eating the candy. This girl loves candy. I know I know, some people probably cannot believe we let her eat candy at this age, but sometimes I have to pick my battles. We do not feed her candy everyday or anything, but every now and then it is a nice treat.
Finding the first egg. |
What's in this egg? |
A little help from daddy. |
"I found one!" |
This is a quite frequent sight, Lyla carrying around a purse of some sort. |
Love this girl. |
Literally, I could eat her up! |
Family shot. |
So happy about her candy! |
"I am going to eat all of these before they can stop me!" |
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