So a few weekends ago, in-between our vacation, going to North Carolina to find furniture, and our crazy closing/moving, we went to Savannah to celebrate my in-laws 40th wedding anniversary. Even though I was stressed about taking the time to go, because it was bad timing for what we had going on in our lives, the weekend was like a stop in time for me. It was just a sunny, fun-filled, family enjoying time together weekend. It seriously was one of the best weekends I feel like we have ever had together. It was just what I needed and honestly, if I was not so ready to get into my new house, I wish it could have been longer.
It was the first time we had seen Jonathan, Kara and Dalton since they had moved back to Florida, and it was the first time in I don't know how long that we had all been together as a family. And what a special event we got to celebrate together!! I mean FORTY years!! That is such a long time. It is so refreshing to see two people more in love than on the day they actually got married. I makes me so happy to see people actually enjoying marriage. In this day in time so many people have such a bad outlook on marriage and divorce is the "easy" way out. Sometimes I feel like the odd-man when I think of how easy my marriage has been. I know we have only been married 4.5 years (1/10th of what my in-laws have been married!!) and we have had our issues and hardships, but never really with each other. I think there are circumstance that you go through together and that grows you as individual people as well as a couple. But there is a very big choice to LOVE each other through it. When it is easy but especially when it is hard. I must admit I have it really easy because I married the most amazing man who is selfless and truly loves me more than himself. I cannot wait to celebrate 40 years and more with him. I am so thankful he had such wonderful role models of how marriage is supposed to look like, biblically.
We got down to Savannah late Friday night and we all were able to stay with David, Adam's brother. Saturday we had a lazy morning and then went down to River Street to walk around, eat lunch and just enjoy the day. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE Savannah? It is one of my favorite places. Lyla loved having Dalton around again. She just loves him as do we and it was so great snuggling that little boy.
Savannah is the best to just enjoy walking around and take pictures, which is exactly what we did.
Lyla was obsessed with Aunt Kara and holding her hand. It is safe to say she has missed her Aunt Kara. |
Seriously, wanted to hold her hand the whole day. |
My little blue-eyed handsome nephew. |
Looking at the Savannah River and all the big boats. |
The Girls. |
I love this one because Lyla is so happy! |
So I wanted to get one good family picture. Not too much to ask for. As you will see Lyla did not want to cooperate. so we did not get a good one of all three of us. Oh well. |
Happily married for 40 years! |
Grandparents with their grandbabies. They loved having the two of them together to love on. |
Pawpaw and his grandson. |
Love my girl! |
So happy! |
Too cute. |
"Cheese" |
Pawpaw with both his grandchildren. |
Daddy/Lyla love. |
Love my family! |
Honey with Dalton. |
Lyla with her Uncle Jonathan. |
Boy has she missed these two!! With Uncle David. |
Lyla with Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Kara. |
When did she grow up?? |
Waiting patiently for lunch. |
Too cute not to post. |
Sweet Boy. |
Silly. |
So after lunch we asked Lyla if she wanted to go to the candy store, I mean you have to when you are on River Street. This was her first time going and actually understanding. We thought it would be fun for her to get her own bag and pick out her own candy. It was so fun watching how carefully she decided on each type she wanted in her bag. I would ask her if she wanted certain kinds, the kind I wanted of course, but if she didn't want it, she would not let me put it in her bag. After we paid and walked out of the store, I did not do a good job of watching how much she actually ate. Big Mistake!! She doesn't really eat sugar all that often, I mean gummies and a dum-dum lollipop here and there, but never a large amount at any given time. Boy did I underestimate how much sugar would affect her!!! She was literally bouncing off the walls. She could not calm down to save her life. She could not control herself around anyone or anything. It was not like her at all. The sugar along with no nap, well it made for a not so fun afternoon!! Let's just say the left over candy either got eaten by mommy and daddy or accidentally thrown away ;) The next time we will definitely limit the candy intake!
Here she is trying her candy. |
Showing her candy to daddy. |
Adam and Dalton |
What a big boy! |
Jonathan, Kara and Dalton |
Cousin Love. |
"I love you cousin Lyla." |
"Look Dalton!" |
They are too cute together. |
Happy Boy. Literally, he is happy all the time. |
Makes my heart happy when they are together. |
New favorite way to get around. On Pawpaw's shoulders. |
Playing. |
Playing together. |
"Make it go mom! I am waiting." |
After we got back from downtown we had a little bit of down time and then it was time for Mass. Needless to say, since Lyla was still experiencing her sugar-high, her and I stayed back to have some "quiet time", dinner and bath time. Then at 6pm, we walked over to the church to watch Donna and Steve renew their vows. It was such a sweet moment as a family. You could just feel, hear and see how much they love each other and are so excited for these next years of life together. It is such a good reminder to just enjoy each moment with the ones you love and to thank God for creating this marriage before the beginning of time. I mean if He did not ordain this, none of us would have been there witnessing what 40 years had blessed them with!! David did their vow renewals and then Steve wanted to take a moment to share his heart and share how much he loves his bride! It was so sweet.
We had to get up the next morning and leave unfortunately because we had to go home and load up our house into a truck, and let the craziness begin. I wish our weekend could have been longer because like I said, it was absolutely perfect. It was like a calm in the middle of a crazy storm for me and it was just what I needed. I am so glad we could all be together to celebrate such a special moment and an amazing couple.
Donna and Steve, Thank you for being such wonderful role models for me. You both are wonderful parents, grandparents, daughter/son, sister/brother and friends. I am so thankful to have you in my life and for you raising such a wonderful son in a house where you have loved each other well. Thank you for all that you have done for me and my family. Thank you for letting us be a part of your anniversary and your 40 year journey together. I look forward to watching you love each other for many more years. You are continuing an amazing legacy, that both of your parents I know are so proud of. We hope to continue marriages like yours!
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