Last year (2012) my Dunwoody friends and I met up at the library for their annual Easter Egg hunt. It was so much fun having all the kids together!
This year the library did not hold their egg hunt, but we decided we had so much fun last year, we would hold our own! There is a little playground/park right next door to our house, so I thought that would be the perfect location! Private, a nice area for the kids to run around and play, and easy! There are picnic tables there as well so it was easy to just spread our snacks out and the kids could grab something to eat and play.
We met after nap-time so that everyone would be refreshed and hopefully happy!
I love how "true" traditions just naturally happen! I know that this will be one that we continue to do. It is so much fun watching all the kids grow up together. Most of these girls have had their second babies, so there were almost TWICE the amount of kids as last year. So FUN!
We all brought different snacks and each mom brought a dozen eggs for their kids. Then, while the kids were playing, we hid the eggs around the park. It is so neat to see how much they have grown. They all knew what to do this year! Lyla did need a little bit of prompting, but sweet Hannah McKelvey helped Lyla figure it out.
Once the craziness of the egg hunt was over, of course all the kids had to find out what was in those eggs. Boy did they go to town on their treats. As well as the snacks. It is funny, the kids in this group can eat!!
Some pre-party pictures! |
Can we say GROWN-UP??! |
Happy Girl! |
Sweet Matthew. |
Katherine. |
Hannah Vaccaro. |
Sweet girl! And can I mention L.O.V.E.S the swing. This girl is easily pleased! |
Will. Will and Matt are ALL boy! Will was the only boy for awhile. |
Happy boy! |
Lyla Gray. |
Baby Jack. He belongs with Katherine. |
Baby Emma. She belongs with Hannah Vaccaro. |
Baby feet. |
Somehow I missed a picture of sweet Kyle. He belongs to Hannah McKelvey.
Time for the egg hunt!! |
Looking hard! |
Found one! |
Watching how Hannah does it. |
And another! |
Ready to check out what is inside! |
Yum Yum! |
Anne. |
Snack time! |
Hannah McKelvey. |
She has the sweetest heart and is totally the mother in the group! |
Slide! |
Sweet friends. |
Last year we took a picture of all the kids lined up after the hunt. We had to get another this year and so we lined then up to be in the same order. We had to get the "original" kids first and then of course we had to add in the sweet little ones!
Time for the group picture! All the big kids. |
With the littles. Anne and Lyla were both very distraught that they did not have a little to hold. |
And just for comparison, here is what they looked like after their egg hunt, just a year ago!! I cannot believe how much they have grown!!
Heather put this together and I had to put it in here so that I could have it forever! Too cute!
Friends like this make my heart full. They all know and love each other and they get along so well. I love having these mommies in my life too because they get me. They know what I am going through because they are going through it too! I am so blessed by them and I cannot wait to see how these kids change by next year and see how our families have grown even more!
Love that our girls get to grow up together!!