Friday, September 20, 2013

Fort Worth Children's Museum

Wednesday Lyla and I decided to go take a ride on the Trinity Train. This cute little train starts by the Fort Worth Zoo goes across the river and through Trinity Park. Lyla could.not.wait for this train ride. She loves riding the train at the Atlanta Zoo, so I knew this would be a hit. We got to the train station and it was CLOSED!! The weather looked like rain, and the train does not run in the rain. Boo! SO we met Sarah for lunch at Chick fil A and once she got off work we ran errands for my cousin Emily's bachelorette party we were hosting on Friday night.

Thursday still looked rainy, so Lyla and I headed to the Fort Worth Children's Museum. Again, this was a short drive from where Sarah lives. She lives in such an AWESOME location. She actually told me that if something was more than a 10 minute drive, she usually would not drive there. haha!! Such a difference from life in Atlanta where you plan 30 minutes for your drive, where ever you are headed!

Side note though: Dallas/Fort Worth traffic is awful....and that is coming from someone who has lived in Atlanta all her life!! I mean awful!! There is so much construction, where they are literally changing the highways (exits are closed, the highways have changed directions, my aunt who has lived there forever has to look up directions and figure out how to get to places because they have changed it so much!!). And traffic doesn't just happen at the common "rush hours", it can happen mid-day as well!

Anyways, we went to the Children's Museum, which was much bigger than the children's museum in Atlanta. There were several different exhibits, instead of just one large room. I was very impressed and Lyla loved it!

We started off in the preschool room. They had a grocery store, which was definitely the favorite. Lyla loved filling up the grocery cart and scanning all of her items in the check out lane.

A bagel!

Preparing to feed an army! That's a lot of groceries, girl!!

She literally could have stayed in the grocery section the entire time. I had to drag her out of there to check out the rest of the place! We found an ambulance that she had fun driving.

She drove to the hospital and found the newborn babies that needed some care.

The baby needed an outfit change.

Then we swaddled the baby and she took her baby on an ambulance ride.

Waiting patiently for her turn to drive.

Ready to go!

Then we had to weigh the baby.

Always remember to wash your hands!

And then there were TWO babies to take care of!

What a good mommy!

Time for the babies to have a bath.

Wanted to take both her babies on an ambulance ride.

Next, we left the preschool imagination area and headed into the world of dinosaurs. There were little computers with games on them and taught the kids how to measure.

We found a huge footprint fossil that was big enough for Lyla to try out.

Looking through the magnifying glass at different fossils.

This was too cute. There were TONS of field trip kids at the museum while we were there. Too many for my liking, especially because at that age they are OBLIVIOUS to other people, especially LITTLE kids. I hope that we can teach Lyla to be respectful and aware of others around her, no matter what age she is. Anyways, there was a microscope that the big kids were looking through. Lyla wanted to look through it as well, so she got in line and patiently waited her turn. It was just too cute and melted my heart how little she looked next to the other kids, yet how grown up she looked standing in line sweetly waiting her turn. A lot of the other kids pushed and cut in line and just could not be patient while waiting, but Lyla stood so still and quiet while waiting her turn. I was so proud of her!!

She enjoyed looking in the microscope so much that she took turns and stood in the line 5 or 6 times so that she could keep looking through it.

She is no longer a little baby anymore, that is for sure!!

A dinosaur!! She was not so interested in them.

She liked looking at the tools that they use to dig for fossils. She is her daddy's girl (as far as being interested in tools!).

Then we headed to the Power Plant room. It talked all about electricity. We did not spend a lot of time in this room. Not very interesting to a two year old.

They did have this fun game where you compete to dig an oil hole. We played it a couple of times and she even beat an older kid she was playing against! We also took the opportunity to have a drink break :)

We then went to another area that had several different activities in it. She saw the older kids laying on a "bed of nails" and she just had to do it as well. She looked a little nervous at first...

....then the older kids raised the nails.

So calm, but still not sure.

What a brave girl I have.

I cannot exactly remember what we did here, but when you put your ear up to the glass tube, you could hear music I think?

This was pretty cool, you could make a paper airplane and then send it up in the tunnel and it would fly and spin around.

We found some animals. A mountain goat.

A polar bear.

And of course you cannot go to Texas without encountering a Texas Long Horn!!

We brought lunch and had a picnic on the patio.

I know I said it before, but I will probably say it several more times during these Texas posts, I am LOVING this special time with this sweet girl. I cannot believe how BLESSED I am to be her mother and that I get this time with her. Every day is such a blessing with her and she is just such a delight and joy to me. She reminds me to take the time and enjoy the small moments (which are really the big moments!). I know this time is so short, so my heart and my mind try so soak up every ounce of her sweet little girl goodness!

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