We came back from the beach and I literally had time to do laundry and re-pack for our next trip to the Lake. But we did manage to spend the actual 4th in Atlanta with our friends Kelly and John and Mark and Sarah. I love those traditions that just kind of happen, and this is one of them. For the last several years we have gotten together with these sweet couples to celebrate America's freedom. We started even before any of us had kids, if I remember correctly!
This year Sarah and Mark hosted at their new beautiful house! They now live about a mile from us and their house is gorgeous! So fun having them close by. We grilled out and Caroline and Lyla played. Sarah and Mark don't have any kids yet, but they have a big house to fill up now and I have a feeling we will have more babies next year to celebrate the 4th with.

Silly girls. I think we spent most of the night manning the stairs as they are a favorite of Caroline's.

Daddy and Lyla.

Mark grilled burgers and Sarah fixed a yummy dinner!! It had rained all day, have I mentioned yet how rainy our summer was??!! So we didn't even plan on going to see fireworks. We did however catch a break in the rain and went outside after dinner to light sparklers. Caroline was not interested in them but Lyla loved it.

And we ended up getting a sweet surprise as we were out on the porch....a huge fireworks show! Someone in the neighborhood over was not going to be stopped by a little rain and set off tons of beautiful fireworks. We didn't have to pack the kids up, we got a free show right from the front door!
John, Caroline, and Kelly. Sweet friends whom we are SO thankful for!
The awesome hosts, Mark and Sarah! Thanks for having us over. Cannot wait to do it again next year!
And of course, who can forget about dessert when you have two little cookie monsters! Love these two sweet girls and so glad they get to do life together.
Happy 4th of July! So thankful for all our many freedoms!
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