Monday, January 16, 2012

14 Months

I cannot believe Lyla is transitioning out of being a baby and becoming a little person SO quickly!! She is such a joy and I just cannot get enough of her. What's new a 14 months?

She has 8 teeth now. For the longest time she just had four, and then four teeth broke through all at the same time. Ouch!
Transitioning to one nap a day. Every three days or so she needs an extra nap.
She still sleep with her blankie (CANNOT sleep without it), her musical seahorse, and now a new teddy bear that she got from her Uncle David for Christmas.
Still wears 12mo clothes.
Loves to read books and do puzzles.
Loves Almond Milk (she gets this in the morning and at night before bed)
Sleeps 12-14hrs at night.
Goes to bed around 7:30pm
Loves bath time...still! She no longer sits in the bath ring, she just swims around and loves to lay on her stomach and splash the water with her feet.
She loves taking things out of places (like baskets, bags, drawers, cabinets) Sometimes she will put the things she has pulled out back and sometimes she just moves on to the next thing. She loves to organize...hopefully she won't end up with my OCD.
Still being a picky eater. Only wants to eat what she wants when she wants to. LOVES fruit (any and every kind) if we would let her live on fruit, she would, and will eat cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, greenbeans, peas, carrots, fish sticks, cheerios, goldfish, yogurt, yogurt covered raisins, waffles, eggs, toast with jelly, bagel with cream cheese, chicken nuggets, ham, grilled cheese, cheese quesodilla, sweet potato fries and anything mommy and daddy are eating.
She would snack all day if we let her, so we are trying to figure out what feeding routines work best for her.
She LOVES to drink juice and would drink it all day if we let her. She goes through probably 5-6 sippy cups of it per day in addition to her milk. Each sippy cup is 9oz. I do 3/4 water and 1/4 juice. Needless to say we go through several outfits a day because let's be honest, her diapers just cannot keep up with all that hydration.
She is so sweet. Loves to give kisses and hugs. Waves bye-bye only.
Loves playing wit her friends.
Loves cars and trucks and will point out each on when we are outside or if she see one through the window.
Loves to be outside playing.
She is VERY dramatic. Knows how to turn on the water-works. Does not like not getting her way and definitely does not like being told "no". We are trying to work on this.
She is actually pretty obedient. She can follow instructions very well and knows what we are saying to her.
She is dramatic in the cute way as well....she hams it up when she knows people are watching her. It is so funny when she does this.
Has not really added any new words to her vocabulary. She can say now say go (and points where she wants to go), she is trying to say "truck", and she can say Ellie (our cat's name), but it sounds more like yay-yee when she says it.
She loves our cat! She hugs her, kisses her and pets her.
Is great at independent play, but would rather be doing what ever we are doing.
Only walks now and has even started trying to run. No more crawling. She does however still love to be carried....when she decides she needs to be.
She loves to play with her kitchen and little table and sit in the big rocking chair in her room.
She loves to brush her teeth (by herself and it's more like walking around biting and sucking on her toothbrush)
She wore pig-tails for the first time the other day.
She loves to wear bracelets and necklaces.
Likes to brush her hair and mommy's hair.
She loves for us to chase her and pretend like we are "getting" her.
Not really interested in tv or movies (which is a good thing I guess) but loves the remote.
Loves anyone's cell phone and will pretend to talk on it, only when no one is on it. When I try to get her to talk on it when someone is really there, she won't.
Hates being in her stroller and will no longer fall asleep in the car unless she is SUPER tired.
She loves to shuts doors and turn the lights off (has not mastered switching the lights back on)
Can climb up stairs, we are still working on the going down part. Can climb on and off the couch.
Still shy around strangers and has started crying when we drop her off at nursery. But the teachers say she is fine as soon as we leave.
Likes to grab our hands and hold them in order to take us where she wants to go. I love it when she holds my hand voluntarily.

You are so precious to your daddy and I. We love you so much and we love getting to know you more and more everyday. You love your daddy so much and love being his buddy when he is home on the weekend. You are such a big helper and love doing exactly what mommy is doing. Some days I still cannot believe I am a mommy and what is even more of a blessing is that I am your mommy. Boy am I lucky! You are the best little girl and I love watching your personality blossom. Your sweet hugs, kisses and snuggles are the BEST and I just melt every time you need to give me some love. This time is going by too fast, but in a sweet way I am so enjoying every moment, even though one day I know you will be a smart, independent young lady. I love you so much!

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