I feel like by sitting down to actually catch up on all my blogging, the holidays will truly have come to an end. I always have this sadness after the lights come down, the stores stop playing the holiday music, and the Valentine's Day apparel is put out. It seems my blogging has been put on the back burner these last few weeks. And in those last few weeks we have been quite busy! Around here, things are getting back to our normal routine, and for Lyla and me that is always a good thing. Several weeks in a row of little to no naps for her is so hard on not only her, but me as well. It just seems like we have been go. go. go. Normal is good.
As I enter the New Year, I have felt really convicted to redefine my normal. I want what I do, say, and think to really matter. I have never been a New Year's resolution type of girl, but this year have really had somethings put on my heart. I want to actually come back to this, but feel like first I need to catch up on Christmas and Lyla turning 14 months!!
Christmas was so great this year. Focusing our eyes on the gift that God gave us is so sweet. Last year, I was still in that delusional state of trying to figure out a six week old's requests, routine, and I was still healing myself, so I felt like I was in the clouds. This year, reflecting on Mary actually giving birth to the King, knowing what was being asked of her and knowing that this sweet infant, would be the one to save not only her but the World, really brought me to me knees. Remembering giving birth to Lyla, with all the comforts of a hospital and my family, and then thinking of Mary giving birth in a stable, surrounded by stinky animals and no comforts at all, not even a bed! I cannot imagine. One of my many prayers this year is that our family would keep our eyes focused on Christ all year, not just during the holiday season.
The holiday season is definitely even more magical with a child. Surprisingly, Lyla left the tree and the ornaments alone the entire time that it was up...which it just came down today by the way and today was the day that she seemed to notice it actually existed. She did great with all things Christmas. We did not take her to see Santa, but she did enjoy looking at him at the mall from afar. Adam's parents came on Friday (the day before Christmas Eve) on their way to Savannah to spend Christmas with Adam's brother David. It was great that we were able to spend time with them for Christmas. Donna joined us for our annual Girl's Lunch and this was Lyla's first year partaking in this sweet tradition. Adam and Steve were able to spend some quality time together...I think they went shopping so Adam could get me a Christmas present. We opened presents later on that afternoon with them and went out to dinner. The rest of the weekend was spent with my family and it was so nice to have us all together. Adam and I have had lots of conversations about what we want our family traditions to look like and while I feel like a lot of traditions just happen naturally, there are some that our important that we include. One of those being that Lyla waking up in her own bed on Christmas morning and be able to open her presents from us and stocking here at home. So, this was the first year we were able to do that and it was so great. We really felt like a family and like we had started the Christmas that Lyla will remember growing up.
After we did presents here, we headed to my parents house to continue celebrating. We spent the night at their house Christmas night. I think Lyla got tired of opening presents, so we decided to space them out the rest of Christmas Day. Depending on how she is next year, I might have to remember that, so she does not get so overwhelmed. She liked opening a gift and then getting the chance to actually play with it for awhile. She did really well participating in the actual opening of the gifts. She liked ripping the paper and taking the tissue paper out of the bags and boxes. Next year should be really fun!! She got a lot of fun new toys! Here are the pictures of Friday and Saturday. I have yet to upload Christmas Day to the computer.
Opening a gift with daddy. |
So amazed with what's inside. |
New puzzles! |
It's hard to tell, but that is a bruise on the left side of her cheek. She frequents those these days. |
What's inside? |
She loves it! She was this enthusiastic with each gift. |
New chair with her name on it. |
Pawpaw and Honey. So glad they could come. Lyla is actually happy, just could not catch a smile. |
Christmas Eve at my parents. |
Everyone. |
Their first Christmas married. |
Sisters with Nana. |
Getting to open her one present on Christmas Eve. Pajamas! A Christmas tradition. |
One last gift for the day, from my parent's neighbor. |
A baby doll! Which clearly she is excited about. |
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