So I have been slack doing your monthly update....I will say that is a good thing. It means that we have been too busy having fun to actually sit down to update. So I am going to do one big, gigantic update. Here are a few highlights of our amazingly fun summer as you head towards your SECOND birthday!!
Summer. This summer you and I babysat for the Ballard girls, Emma (9) and Olivia (6), two days a week. What a blast we had!! You absolutely loved playing with the big girls this summer and they were SO incredibly sweet to you. We always planned something fun to do, the Zoo, Legoland, the pool, the park, Purple Hippo Art Studio. You also enjoyed playing in their amazing basement full of a wonderland of toys. I feel like you grew up so much this summer keeping up with the "big girls". We also had several fun trips to the beach along the way and it was fun to see how each time we went you found something new to love. At the beginning of the summer you absolutely hated the ocean and the sand. By the end of the summer we could not get you away from it!!
Wagon ride to the beach. |
Bike rides were a favorite. |
Loving the ocean. |
Train ride with the Ballard girls at the zoo. |
Lyla and Olivia at the Dunwoody 4th of July parade. |
Creating art at The Purple Hippo Art Studio. |
Cow Appreciation Day. |
Barney. One word that can change your mood. We laugh and say that you need to go to "Barney Rehab". You were not a big tv watcher until you discovered the world of that purple dinosaur. Now, pretty much every second of the day you ask to watch Barney. We have had to limit you. It is fun to see how much you learn from the show though. You know several songs and the hand motions that go with the. A few of your favorites right now are "If you're Happy and you know It", "The Clapping Song", "The Barney Theme Song". And many more. You are always asking mommy to sing "ahyy" songs, especially in the car. We bought a DVD player for long car trips and you love being able to watch Barney in the car.
The iPhone. If you are not able to watch Barney, you are wanting my cell phone. I am amazed with how well you know how to work that thing!! I cannot believe it. You know just where your apps are and currently your favorite thing to look at on there are your pictures and home videos of yourself. You also like the PBS Kids and Disney Jr app and listening to music. While we are trying to get the iPhone usage under control, I must say it is nice how well it entertains you when we are out running errands or out to dinner and you are all done eating before us.
Not the iPhone, but always a phone in hand. |
Going to sleep. Your Sleeping habits are still great. You are an amazing sleeper, for which I am thankful. You go to bed around 7:30pm and get up around 8-8:30am. You always wake up happy and you always go to bed easily. There were a few weeks this summer that you were waking up before 6am screaming!! It was so not like you. As long as I went in your room and rocked you, you would go back to sleep. I think it was a combination of teething and a cold. Those top two teeth (I think they are called the k-9 teeth) were by far the worst teething experience for you. Other than those two teeth, you never had a problem with teething. You have a completely full mouth of teeth now and you love brushing your teeth. You still sleep with you monkey blanket, seahorse and teddy bear. Your newest thing is instead of snuggling or rocking, you like for us to lay you down and cover you with the white knit blanket Ms Janna made for you and rub your back. You still take a nap every afternoon after lunch that normally lasts 1.5-2 hours.
Getting Ready. You love to copy everything mommy does to get ready. You want lotion on your hands and legs. You want makeup on your face. You want to put on deodorant. You want hairspray in your hair. You want chapstick on your lips. It is so cute I cannot resist to pretend with you! You love to accessorize as well. Usually you will not leave the house without at least a necklace on. Currently, you prefer to pick out your outfit, bow, and shoes as well. You are truly a little fashionista.
One of the many outfits you have chosen to wear. |
Loves some accessories. |
"How does this look on me mom?" |
Another outfit choice. You also had an arm full of bracelets on but took them off. |
Trying on momma's high-heels. |
Being silly. |
Ready for Fall....or a TCU game :) |
Crafts. You are loving the world of arts and crafts. You love to color, write, draw, paint, use chalk, stickers. And I believe that you might be LEFT-HANDED!!! You definitely color better/easier and use a spoon or fork better/easier when using your left hand. I love this!! Neither your dad or I is left handed. But your Aunt Sarah, great aunt and uncle, and two great-granfathers are/were. Aunt Sarah has promised to teach you how to tie your shoes, peel a cucumber and use scissors. Apparently left-handed people do these thing differently. I am hoping this means you will be creative. I definitely do not have the creative gift, but I know a lot of left-handed people do.
Not wanting the apron on. |
Which hand should I hold this in?? |
The left one of course! |
Beautiful masterpiece. |
Playing with puppets. |
Music. You love to dance and sing. You always want some kind of music on and any time you hear music you have to stop and dance. You are learning songs and the motions that go with them. It is so cute. You know all the motions to "If You're Happy and you Know It". When we are in the car driving, you love for mommy to sing you all the Barney songs.
Food. You have been on a yogurt/applesauce kick. You would eat it for every meal. You are not big on bread. So if I fix you a sandwich, you eat the insides and leave most of the bread behind. You still love fruit. I can pretty much give you anything to eat and you will eat it (at least try it) if you have ranch dressing or ketchup to dip it in. I tried to introduce new veggies, but you did not like them. You pretty much only will eat green beans, broccoli, peas and carrots. You will eat anything off mommy and daddy's plate. You still love your juice and cheese. You drink a cup of Almond Milk Vanilla flavored in the morning when you get up and before you go to bed.
Helping mom cook in the kitchen. |
Vocab. As we approach you turning 23 months, you are really starting to say more and REPEAT more!! I am loving it. You really try so hard to say things when I ask you to. It is too cute. You are still a girl of few words, which is totally fine, but it is fun to hear you sweet voice say different words.
Outside. You are still my outside girl. You prefer to be outside to being inside. You love all things out doors. Now that we have a house, you are loving being able to play in the driveway and walk to the little playground next door to our house. You are always asking to go "ool" or in the pool out back. Unfortunately for us we have moved into our house just as it has started to get cold and it is way to cold to jump in the pool. You and daddy did get in one night during our first week, but it was freezing! Oh well, we will have LOTS of fun with your new pool next summer. I am SURE we will be using that thing every day!
Trying out her new pool. |
Swim to daddy! |
Swinging! |
Taking our last walk to the mailbox at the condo. She looks so grown up here! |
"Come on mom!" |
Friends. You are really starting to be at that age where you REALLY have fun with your friends. You interact so well with them. You love giving hugs and kisses to them. We are working on the sharing/taking thing. You recognize your friends and love having playdates. I will tell you that we are getting together with Tripp, Eva, Caroline or whoever and you ALWAYS clap your hands, shout HURRAY!!! and put your hands in the air. You love being social.
Lyla and Eva at the park. |
Too cute. |
Chasing Tripp at the park. |
Eating lunch at the mall with Eva. |
One of many playdates with Tripp to the pool. |
The zoo with Eva. |
Clean Up. This month especially we have been working on cleaning up after ourselves. I must say you are doing great with this. I mean sometimes I have to ask you more than once, but for the most part you are willing and eager to help clean up your toys. Since you love Barney, I thought helping you associate the Barney clean-up song with the actual cleaning up process would make it more fun for you. So now you ALWAYS sing the clean up song when you clean up or when you see something that needs to be cleaned up.
Please and Thank you. We are still working on our manners. You only say "please" if I remind you. So hopefully we can get the concept that you need to say please when you ask for something the first time. I think "thank you" goes completely over your head. You will not even try to say it when I ask you to. Like any child your age, you hate to hear the word no. Literally if no is said to you in any form, you will break down in full out tears.
Lyla, You are my stubborn, beautiful, independent, sweet, caring, loving, smart, giggly, growing up too fast girl. You bring joy to my heart and all you come in contact with. You are innocent, sensitive and curious. I love you more than you will ever know. I love watching your personality blossom more each day. I absolutely love being your mom!
Normally I am so excited to head into the Fall. Cinnamon brooms, Fall decorations, cooler temperatures, Fall clothes, being closer to actually being able to listen to Christmas music, but I must admit, I have had such a fun summer with you, I am sad to see summer go.
Goodbye Summer! We will see you next year! |