Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Lyla Gray, you are too funny at this point in your life. I really just want to eat you up. You know just how to get a laugh out of your daddy and I.

Currently, you love to dance, sing, and make funny faces. Your vocabulary is starting to grow. You have added a few words, such as, help, up, no, barney (ahyyy), mom, daddy (da-ee), cheese when you take a picture (chee).

The two words most commonly spoken by you are mom and da-ee. You are constantly saying "mom?". Then you wait for me to answer. If I do not answer right away, you continue to call my name, "mom? momma? mom?". After I answer, you then ask for da-ee. "Da-ee?" If he is there, he answers. If not, then I tell you where he is. They are the first two words you say when you wake up and the last two words you say as you go to bed.

These two words melt my heart. My heart is full as your little, sweet voice speaks our names. I. LOVE. It. You could not say my name enough. I hope that I will never feel annoyed with you calling my name. It is such a blessing to be your mom and I love that you love talking to me. I pray that I will never be too busy to answer your call and your questions and always have time just to listen. I hope that you will always know that.

You are my sweet girl and I cannot believe you are grown up enough to call me mom....
I love you.

1 comment:

  1. I totally thought as I opened your blog that I would see an announcement that another sweet babe was on the way! Oh well...Lyla is so darling. Love those little voices and words they say.
