I love October! It is one of those perfect months here in Georgia. Not too hot, not too cold. The leaves are starting to change colors. Cute boots. And we can still enjoy being outside!
Seriously one of my favorite times of the year.
So we spend a lot of time outside. We had a fun play date with Oliver and Molly.

Lyla still loves to take pictures. One of me by her below.
And I must say, it is hard to keep a pregnancy a secret from everyone when you feel horrible. With Lyla, we told family right away, like right after we took the test. And then we told everyone else after we had our first ultrasound around 9 weeks.
With this one, we really wanted to wait to tell everyone (family and friends) until after the first ultrasound. We really want it to be all about Lyla and her becoming a big sister. So of course we want to tell her first. But an almost 3 year old is not the best secret keeper. So we are waiting to tell her as well. She asks almost every day for a baby sister, so we know she will be super pumped when we tell her and she won't be able to keep it a secret. I will have my first appointment and ultrasound at the end of the month, so just a few more weeks.

Her school picture. Notice the nice black and blue eye? And funny thing, we went to school the day of her school pictures, and guess who else had a nice shiner on his eye for his picture?? None other than Cooper. These two were destined.
My, how this place has CHANGED since I came as a little girl. When I went it was just a little building. Not any more!! It is a huge place and is a production.
We had such a fun time going with Nana.
She loved looking at all the baby dolls and playing with them!
The first few rooms were still set up like nurseries.
Rocking the baby.
Organizing the dolls.
She loved being able to take care of the babies.
And of course we had to watch Mother Cabbage deliver a baby. This definitely brought back memories of when I went as a little girl. But the whole process is a little creepy too??
Watching the baby get weighed, measured and wrapped up in the nursery.
Lyla loved seeing and holding the newborn baby. Can't wait to tell her she is going to have a real baby soon!!
She loved finding babies to push around in the stroller.
I was kinda surprised there wasn't more to do. You walk through the first few rooms set up like nurseries, then you walk in to a giant room, which is the store and where Mother Cabbage is.
They were all decorated for Fall.
I mean seriously. They have expanded for sure since I was little!!
Lyla had her Father/Daughter night at school. It was too cute sending her and Adam off. I love it when they get to spend one on one time together. I think it is so important for them to do things together. For her to see how a guy should treat a girl (which she has a great role model for) and for her to feel special spending time with just him. And for him to spend time with just her. She is SUCH a mommy's girl, so it is refreshing for him to get to be the center of attention with her when mommy isn't around.
I mean seriously melt my heart!
She had so much fun taking him to her classroom and showing him around. They each made a little gift to give their dad's.
Each Fall since the kids were born, Lindsey has had us over to decorate pumpkins. Such a fun activity and such a fun memory to have of these kids growing up over the years. I hope we are still doing this when they are 18!! This year Tripp had to miss since they had germs at their house. I hated that they weren't here!!
Lyla took it very seriously this year. She loved painting her pumpkins.
Lyla and Molly.
Oliver got in on the action as well.
Oliver looks so little and Lyla looks like a giant, but Lyla was up a few stairs from where he was!
All three!
Molly might have wanted to see how the paint tasted...
Lyla checking out Molly's work.
Molly's finished product.
Lyla could have painted all day.
Ollie was serious about his painting as well.
Then Lindsey had this super cute art project for them to do, painting leaves on a tree. Lindsey is seriously one of the most creative moms I know. Arts and Crafts, cute food ideas, she does it all!! And all this only a few days before her due date with her second baby!! I think Lyla was the only one interested in completing this project though.
We rounded out October with Halloween. Not my favorite, for sure. But my little dress up queen had fun!! She was Sophia the First this year.
Ready to get some candy. The one plus to Halloween.
We went to her school's Trunk or Treat which was so much fun!! We decided to walk since it was just up the street. The weather was just starting to get cold.
So cute!
Of course we had to meet up with our favorite family, the Rutherford's!
Cute little pumpkin, Halle.
And Cooper the UPS man!
Seriously, they couldn't be any cuter.
I loved Trunk or Treat. They had tons of families decorate their cars and hand out candy in the athletic field parking lot. I loved that it wasn't scary, it was all in one area, and the kids could see friends from their class.
Lyla's class also had a Harvest Party. The parent's are not invited to the class parties (one of the few negatives to her school), only the three mom's hosting the party can come. Lyla's teacher, however, lets the rest of the parents come for the last few minutes of the day to get a chance to check out the party.
I was one of the mom's helping with the Harvest Party. It was so fun to see all the kids in their school environment and interact with each other in the classroom setting. They all got to dress up as animals for the party.
Lyla was a duck.
Cooper was a shark.
Saying their prayer before eating their special lunch. It was too cute. And now Lyla HAS to say this particular prayer at each meal, no matter what. She doesn't want anyone else saying any other type of prayer. She loves to say it herself and it is the cutest. I need to record her saying it to have forever.
"God is Great,
God is Good,
let us thank Him for our food.
By His hands,
we are fed.
Give us Lord our daily bread.
They got a special lunch including Chick fil a nuggets, fruit, juice, a cookie and a special harvest treat.
They also got a special treat of having their face painted by their teacher.
These happy faces say it all. They loved it!
Love spending time with my sweet girl.
Cooper and his momma, Lyndsay. What sweet friends!
Lyndsay did a craft with the kids during the party. She is the former teacher and therefore the creative one :)
She made pumpkin cut-outs for each of the kids and had them fill in the blank "I am thankful for...." I love these types of crafts. Keepers for sure.
Kate is another sweet friend Lyla has made. They became fast friends and Ms Cathy says they are for sure the dominant girls in the class. We talk to Lyla a lot about being a good leader and making good decisions.
Of course they loved showing us their favorite activities around the classroom as well.
Lyla and Ms Cathy.
We had our neighborhood annual Halloween cul-de-sac party. I love being in a neighborhood with great neighbors and lots of young families. It is so great that Lyla will grow up with kids close to her age in the neighborhood.
We had fun eating dinner and socializing in the cul-de-sac with everyone. There were several fun activities for the kids before heading out to trick or treat.
She loved the pinata.
And she was serious about it!
Pawpaw joined us! They came in town for Lyla's birthday that weekend, so it was a fun treat to have him with us. Honey had a girl's weekend with some lifelong friends from Macon in the mountains. So she was with them and would come back to join us for Lyla's party.
Trick or treating was not such a novelty this year, which I cannot complain about. Halloween is not my favorite and knocking on doors getting candy is not either. I would rather buy the candy I like and sit at home and eat it ;) So while last year she wanted to go to every.single.house in the the neighborhood, this year we maybe did two streets and she was done. She was ready to go home and go to bed.
Lyla loves her Aunt Sarah. We like to talk to Sarah quite often since she is so far away. FaceTime is an awesome way to stay connected and Lyla see her. We took our big trip to Texas at the beginning of the summer, and Lyla cannot wait to go back. One morning she asked me where Aunt Sarah lived and how long it would take to get to her. So I pulled up the map to show her. It's a long way! Maybe someday we will be closer.
Having a party is always a good reason to get house projects done. Have I mentioned what an awesome husband I have?? He can pretty much do anything and he is amazing at building things. Painting is very low on his favorite things to-do list, but he must love me a lot because I wanted the dining room painted before Lyla's birthday party.
The finished product is amazing. I love it and now the dining room is probably my most favorite decorated space of the house. Thanks babe!
I love how October is the start of the wonderful holiday season!!
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