Lyla is still my busy girl. She does not slow down at all during the day. She loves exploring and trying to figure things out for herself. Here are a few 12 month highlights:
~ We finished with nursing the day she turned one. It was a very sad day for me. Walking out of her room that night thinking about how I would never again nurse her. Still makes me tear up. Our nursing experience was such a wonderful one. I know some do not have the same experience, but from the first time I nursed her an hour or so after she was born, she latched right on and never had any trouble. I am so thankful that God gave us such a wonderful year of it. I knew if I did not stop it on her birthday, it would just keep getting harder and harder to stop the longer I put it off (that's how much her and I enjoyed that time). Lyla did just fine with the weaning process. There are still occasions where she will "ask" for it, but really she has transitioned just fine. Breastfeeding is such a wonderful thing and I never thought I would have become as big of an advocate for it as I have become. If we have more children I will definitely do it again.
~Lyla, surprisingly, I know this will shock some people, has slowed down on how much she is eating. She is becoming pickier each day. By picker, I don't just mean what food she wants and does not want but how much she wants to eat when she eats. That has been a little harder for me because I am used to her eating so much, I am worried she is not eating enough now. Especially since she is not nursing anymore, I am worried about her getting enough good nutrition. She does not like the whole milk I offer to her twice a day. She just spits it out. She only wants water/juice. So I am trying to give her more foods with lots of calcium and vitamin D.
~She likes to feed herself. The only thing she will let me feed her is her yogurt in the morning. Other than that, if I try to spoon feed her anything, she will not eat it. But if I put it in front of her to eat, she will.
~We have been going to a Gymboree Class once a week. She loves it. She loves an interaction with other children and she loves places where she is free to roam. So it is perfect. It is a structured play and learn class and the teacher is wonderful. There is lots of music and games. I feel like she learns a lot developmentally and she loves the time outside of our house. It is also nice to see other moms with their children and get to know them.
~Lyla has become quite the snuggler which I just LOVE. When it is nap time or bedtime, she loves to lay her head on our shoulder and be rocked and have her back rubbed. She will also do it throughout the day just because. She will go get her blanket and come find her to have some snuggle time. LOVE.IT.
~She is WALKING! This means she
really is not a baby anymore. We have transitioned out of our first year as a walker. She was taking just one or two steps at a time, but the week of her birthday she started taking 5-7 steps at a time. I do not know when she will be considered a walker though. She does not consistently walk when we are out or anything and she will walk around the house, but will still crawl most of the time. So we are not a full-out walker.....yet.
~She likes to push her stroller or the grocery cart when we are out. She wants me to put her down and then the pushes where the basket is on the stroller and the lower bar on the grocery cart and walks. It is really funny. She is definitely independent.
~She LOVES any music. When she hears music or we sing she starts dancing. She loves to dance.
~She loves playing pee-a-boo and clapping her hands for us to say "yay Lyla".
~Points at everything! I can tell her little brain is soaking up each and everything. She wants to know what everything is and what everything is called. She loves animal sounds and reading books. Quite often I find her sitting with a book on her lap reading through the pages.
~Has just recently started "sharing". She will share her drink or toy with me. She will also pick up trash or food off the floor and give it to me to throw away. (Yes, sometimes my floor is dirty).
~Still sleeps 12-13 hours at night. Most days still takes two naps, unless she sleeps in in the morning. Then there is only one afternoon nap. She loves her crib. She will not cry when she wakes up. She will just play and talk to herself (and her blanket and seahorse) until we come get her.
~The newest thing she is doing is she will scrunch up her nose and smile/laugh at people that pass by when we are out. She loves it when those people smile back and even come talk to her. It is so cute and I just have to laugh. She is so friendly and wants to be sweet to everyone. She also notices those that just ignore her when she does this. It just breaks my heart because I can see she wonders why they don't smile back. It reminds me of all the harsh "truths" the world will teach her. I give her a kiss and let her know how sweet and kind she is to try to brighten strangers' days with a smile. She then quickly moves on to the next person. Children are so resilient. They love without question and expect nothing in return. Such a sweet simple reminder for me. To love others with child-like faith. I love learning from Lyla.
Here are some birthday pictures.
Look at this leaf mom. |
Such a big girl. |
Helping herself to the chex mix. And yes, her cheeks are full of food. |
Sitting in her new chair. This table and chairs were built by Pawpaw, Adam's dad. They were painted by Honey, Adam's mom. They turned out SO cute! |
Pawpaw and Honey came down for Lyla's birthday party! |
Lyla and her best friend Eva. She started loving on Eva right when she came in the door. |
More Eva love. |
Cupcake time. |
Not impressed. |
She did not like the cupcake. She liked the ice cream better, of course. |
Opening gifts. She received so many wonderful new toys. So thankful for all those that love our child! |
Skyping with Aunt Sarah and trying to call her at the same time. |
Happy Birthday Girl! |
Loves her teapot from Mawmaw, Adam's Grandmother. |
Playing with her new shopping cart. She loves this. She puts everything in it and pushes it around. |
Giving her new baby some loving care. |
Pushing her baby in her stroller. |
Happy Birthday Lyla! |
Happy Birthday, Lyla!!! That's awesome that you were able to nurse her a whole year. I admire you! I don't think I could have made that commitment not to mention it just didn't work well for me so...Also, what a special gift the table and chairs is. She will use it so much.