Wednesday, November 9, 2011

One Year!

OH. MY. GOODNESS. Never has a year in my life gone by faster than this one. I cannot believe my baby is one year old. I never could have imagined how becoming a mommy would forever change my life. I mean I knew there would be no more sleeping in on Saturday mornings, but I never imagined how much I would be grown through raising my child. I have LOVED every minute and am excited for this next year (and many more) with her. She has grown and changed so much in one short year, I cannot even fathom what this year will hold in store.

She had her one year old check up on her birthday. Yes, I have already been told what a mean mom I am for making her get shots on her birthday. She survived and did not know the difference. Her birthday celebrations last more than just that day....we celebrated all week. She checked out well. She did get three shots, but was such a big girl and only cried for a minute. Once she got her juice and cheerios, it was like nothing happened. Anything can be cured with food for this girl. She weighed 20 pounds 3 ounces and was 28.5 inches long. She is in the 25th percentile for both.

God is constantly reminding me of the MANY blessings in my life. My happy, healthy child is one of them. I cannot be on my knees enough thanking Him for her. I know I am not entitled to anything on this Earth and everything that He has so graciously given to me to steward is His. It brings tears to my eyes thinking of how so often I forget to live in the moment, cherishing every single minute I have with her. After all, no one is promised tomorrow. I relish every kiss, hug and every time she wants me to pick her up, BUT so often I find myself needing to get to that next thing/phase/chore/meal....God quietly reminds me, so often, that THIS will not last for long. And that sweet reminder brings me back to the moment. I love this little girl more than words could ever express. And thank you Lord for picking me to be her mommy!


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