We have so much to be thankful for. So much of the time, I find myself complaining about all of the things I do not have but think I need. The hard (or easy depending on how you look at it) truth of the matter is, I am SO BLESSED. I have a relationship with Jesus Christ who has saved me from DEATH. Nothing I have done to deserve that, yet He chose me to be a daughter of the King. I have a wonderful husband who loves me more everyday. He is such a servant and loves and does for me so un-selfishly. He works so hard so that I can stay at home with our beautiful child. I have a healthy, thriving little girl. I never knew my life was missing her, until she came into our lives just over a year ago. I love her more than words can ever express and my life is so much fuller with her in it. I have wonderful parents and sisters who are always there for me. They make me laugh and listen to me when I need an ear. I have wonderful in-laws and now several brothers who have filled my life with joy. Our extended family keeps growing and we are expecting our first nephew in February and could not be more excited to meet him. We have a wonderful community of friends that love us so well. We have a roof over our heads and food is always on the table. We have warm clothes and heat that we can turn on when it gets cold. We have two cars that get us safely where we need to go. We are healthy. The list really could go on forever. What is sad is that I am so quick to forget.
Why is it so easy to forget? After I am finished with my complaining about what I don't have, I immediately feel guilty. I have so much more than most people in the world. Why then am I so quick to come up with all the things I "need" but have yet to have? I am not entitled. Thank goodness for GRACE! Thank goodness that the Lord is in control of the big picture and can see all, and He in His goodness only allows me to see the here and now. What a mess I would make of things with my greedy heart. I do not want to be a complainer. I want Christ to take those thoughts captive and in place give me a grateful heart. I want to be constantly reminded of what I do have and be grateful for it all.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We started last Sunday night at my parents with Allison, Dan, and Nana for a yummy meal. Then, Wednesday after Adam got off work, we headed up to North Carolina to Adam's parents house. His grandmother, Aunt Beth and Uncle Dave with their two boys, and Kara and Jonathan all joined. We of course missed Adam's other brother David, who could not be there. It was such a wonderful time of being together and relaxing. The food was wonderful and of course we hit up the shopping after. Lyla found herself a little buddy. Beth and Dave's youngest son is three years old and they HIT IT OFF. They were inseparable which we all found so cute. They played together from sun up to sun down. Nathan wanted to do everything with Lyla, including bath time. I love this because it will be such a great memory. I remember taking baths with my cousins and we had such great times! He called her baby Lyla all weekend and did not understand why she had to take naps or why she did not wake up as early as he did. I was a little worried that the boys would be too old for her, but she L-O-V-E-D them. They played together so well and the boys were so sweet to her. It just melted my heart. I cannot wait for them to get together again. It was nice being with family and having time off from work. We now can enjoy everything the Christmas season has to offer!
Lyla checking out Charles' video game. |
Clapping. |
PawPaw on the floor with all the kids. |
MawMaw (Adam's grandmother) with her great-granddaughter |
Donna preparing a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. |
Sisters with Lyla. |
Scouting out the deals. |
Parents to be (can't wait for Dalton to get here!!) |
So thankful for my family. |
The boys played with Lyla's toys :) |
The yummy Thanksgiving dinner. |
Let's eat! |
Lyla loves her juice and I love that tummy! |
Nathan and Lyla |
Such a ham. |
Nathan sharing his toys. |
Nathan, I mean Buzz Lightyear. This boy LOVES to dress up! Spiderman, Batman, Buzz.... |
More playing. |
BathTime! |
He loved pouring water on her head. |
Lyla and MawMaw. |
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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