Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Girly Girl

It is fun for Adam and I to dream about what Lyla will be like when she is older and what things she will what to be involved in. Of course we are in no way wishing away this time, I LOVE each and every stage and this one is no different. I love learning new things about her each and every day and am so thankful for each moment I am blessed to have her. She is so full of life and is so smart. I know every parent thinks their child is smart and I am no different. Lyla is smart. Everyday she is doing new things and she can actually follow simple directions now, which is so fun to see. I think I can actually consider her a walker now and will have to post a video. She still chooses to crawl when we aren't at home, but when we are here, she walks everywhere. She is growing up so quickly.

So back to us loving trying to figure out what kind of girl she will be. Adam said the other day that he thinks she will be a good mix, that is between a girly girl and tom-boy. He is secretly....well no secret actually....hoping that she will be a soccer star someday, which I am fine with. She loves playing with any kind of ball, loves to play outside, and is not afraid to get dirty. She is also ALL girl though. She likes to wear skirts and tights, she loves shoes (her's, mom's, dad's...any kind of shoe), she loves her baby doll and playing with her kitchen, and most recently she loves to wear jewelry. This is so hilariously cute to us. It started with her wanting to try on daddy's wedding ring. She put it on her thumb and kept it there. Then she has a couple of bracelets that she can put on herself and she makes sure we take notice of how beautiful she looks with it on. (We will begin working on being humble....) Then, she took notice to how most days I put on a necklace with my outfit. Well, she thought, if mommy has a necklace on, I need one too. So, I let her pick one out and put it on her. I thought it would be short lived and she would take it off or chew on it, but no. She loved it! She kept it on all day and never bothered it. And thus started her obsession with wearing a necklace. It doesn't matter if she is dressed for the day or if she is still in her pj's. She wants to have a necklace on. So cute! She won't keep her bow in her hair, but she will keep her necklace on :) She will be our soccer star, with the bedazzled cleats, wearing the necklace....and I cannot wait!
For Thanksgiving Day, she thought it appropriate to wear mommy's pearls.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds just like Anna and this is exactly the age she started! Enjoy both sides of her! Anna is the same, out rolling in the grass with Brice and then organizing her hair clips!
