Lyla's Spring Program at school was on May 1st. This was also considered Grandparent's Day at school. So we all got to go see the kids perform and then the grandparent's got to go back to the classroom for some special treats and other things the kids had planned. Donna and Steve came down, which was a special treat for Lyla to have all four of her grandparents with her. We truly are so so SO blessed!
"He's got the Whole World in His Hands"
She loved singing and knew a lot of the hand motions and words. She would come home from school and practice what they were going to sing. She loves telling me if they went to Ms Vicki's and chapel and what they learned and got to sing.
I love how focused she was and I love how much she enjoyed being up there!
I mean there is not much of anything cuter than these kids singing on stage!
Just the grandparents were invited back to the room for some special treats. Lyla had made each set a little craft with her picture and I think they had a song or two to sing them. I think it was mostly about the kids getting to show the grandparents their classroom! I hung out with Lyndsay and Halle on the playground until they were done.
Honey and PawPaw.
I think she was happy to have them there....;) just too distracted to smile!
Mimi and Gramps.
Coloring! For sure her favorite thing. Ms Cathy always tells me that you can find Lyla at the crafts table making something lovely and she is the most concentrated one when they have a craft activity to make. She loves arts and crafts!!
May 5th, 35 weeks!
35 weeks 2 days....not sure why I took pictures so close together?! But I cannot BELIEVE it is 5 weeks away!!
The last day of school was on Tuesday May 13th.

Ms Cathy was sweet to take care of the end of the year party. So us moms just got to come in and enjoy! I cannot believe this school year went by so quickly!!
We LOVED having Ms Cathy. She was the perfect first teacher for Lyla to have. She loved these kids so well and is so great at what she does! We were so blessed by her this year. Thank you does not say enough to her!
I am so thankful to the sweet little friends Lyla made this year (as did I!) I know that these are relationships that will last a very long time!
With the end of the year comes warmer weather. Thankfully it has not gone from freezing to burning hot! I am thankful for cool, enjoyable days outside. I am soaking up these last few days with Lyla.
Her usual pick is to go to the playground. Does that surprise you?
We have been getting LOTS of practice loving on soon to be "big" Logan...because oh yes, have I told you? We decided on a NAME!!! Logan Hayes Koetter will be joining our family in just a few short weeks. And Logan Wise will not be the only Logan in the neighborhood. We are so excited to see these two little guys grow up together. Lyla loves "big" Logan so much and loves to practice being a big sister on him.
He loves Lyla! And obviously Lyla cannot get enough of those sweet cheeks. I mean who can blame her?!
We are outside all the time these days. I am not sure how much we will get out once Logan is here, so I want her to enjoy as much as she can!
36 weeks 3 days!
37 weeks 1 day
Yup. That's us. Those neighbors that run around in our our underwear. Haha! This was a FAVORITE activity of ours while waiting for baby brother. Since we were lacking in the water toy department, Adam built Lyla an AWESOME water table!! I will post picture in a future post. But it it awesome! And you would never know that we had a pool she could be swimming in instead. I mean, buckets are just as fun!!
Lyla does a lot of swimming too!! She doesn't care how cold the pool is. It is has not been warm enough for the water to truly warm up yet, so I am not getting in, but Lyla loves it, and I love that she enjoys it so much!!!
She jumped in like no time has passed since swimming this summer. I will do a longer post on Lyla and the pool, but she is swimming all by herself. She can go from one end to the other. She loves to swim with the noodle as well. It is SO nice that she can swim and that I do not have to be nervous about her being in and around the pool. I love that she is a little fish. It is definitely worth having our own pool!
Adam built this little picnic table for our friends, Ryan and Karin. They gave us a TON of wood from their basement remodel and Adam has enjoyed using it! So for their kids birthdays he made them a picnic table from that wood. Lyla is on the waiting list for her own picnic table. She wanted to try it out to make sure it would hold up ;)
Here are a couple of pictures of Logan's room. I LOVE how it turned out. It is one of the two most favorite rooms in our house. Steve did such an amazing job and I cannot thank him enough. We used the same furniture that Lyla used...which was given to us by Adam's aunt Beth. I found the four pictures over his crib on the mom exchange. They are super cute. I will have to take a closer picture, but it is drawings of little kids playing sports.
Steve painted the walls navy, put up a chair rail and put bead-board up on the bottom half of the walls. Got the idea for the peg board over the changing table from where else, pinterest. I need to hang a few more decorations on it. The little baskets on there hold his diapers and wipes and other essentials. The baseball holder was in Adam's room when he was growing up, which I think is SO special. Adam's dad made it for him. We painted it red and Adam put some of his baseballs in it that his mom saved. Some autographed ones as well as some homerun balls. Adam has a ton, but only picked those four to go in there.
Adam picked a couple of his favorite baseball cards (from his collection as a boy) and I framed them and they are sitting on the self. That soccer ball sat on Adam's bed growing up. The jersey hanging up was one of Adam's growing up. Adam built the little bookshelf for Logan's books and toys. I found the cute lamp at Target, the stand is a baseball bat and the pull string is a whistle. The basket is from Homegoods and Donna added the red ribbon to it for me. I will have to post more pictures once all the bedding and curtains are done! I cannot wait to see it all done. Donna will bring those when Logan gets here....which is SO SOON!! All we need is a rocking chair and his room is finished!
38 weeks 1 day
Playing with water in the driveway and picking flowers. Can I just say I love having a driveway??! I know kinda weird to be thankful for, but we spent the first years of our marriage and Lyla's life in a condo, with no backyard or driveway, and now having one with kids just makes me so thankful for having both!
Friday May 30th, Lyla and I went to get our pre-delivery nails done!
Saturday May 31st we went to Northside for the Sibling's class.
My personal baby diaper changer.
Ready to be a BIG sister....with the certificate to prove it!
I will share in my next post about all the activities leading up to Logan's birth!! I cannot believe 40 weeks is here already!! It has truly flown by!!
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